
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You gave me FeveR!!!

The fever has not died down yet....
I'm still going gaga over Hyun Joongssi !!

There is not a day without me browsing the internet for the latest update about him.
I would call it a day if I got to stumble upon a video of him which i haven't seen yet- be it from an old telecast or a new one.
And so happy if I come across an article or read in twitter that he's working on some projects like his upcoming solo debut album, which will be released coinciding his birth date on June 06.

I found out too that there are so many blogs out here in cyber world about him. So I opted not to post here the details of his personal or showbiz activities as I thought it will be hard to maintain once I've started. I will only be a redundant.
It'll be better for me to just stalk him through twitter from some of the best sources or through following some blogs and of course from the updates of his own website from KeyEast.

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